July 4, 2022 In Insurance

How To Stay Safe From Cyber Crime

With over 80% of organisations in the UK experiencing a cyber security attack in the past year, cyber crime is a problem that just can’t be ignored. So, how can you best protect your business from attack? Here we’ll outline some essential security tips and precautions, to keep your business safe from cyber criminals.

Cyber security in the workplace

Cyber attacks are growing in both number and finesse. To combat this, new products and guidelines are released all the time, while constant security updates are aimed at maximising cyber security in the workplace. 

But while all of these technological interventions are essential in the fight against cyber crime, it’s easy to overlook human error – a vulnerability that’s responsible for a large proportion of security breaches. Practices like phishing are becoming more sophisticated and convincing, and they are all designed to persuade individuals to disclose private information such as passwords or personal details. 

With cyber security a constant cat-and-mouse challenge, cyber insurance is a safety net that can protect your business from the worst consequences of a cyber security breach. It will cover the costs associated with a security breach and help your business to get back on track in the event of an attack. 

Cyber security working from home

With a workforce that is increasingly moving between home and the office, cyber criminals have more opportunities to breach your security. It can be more difficult to monitor and enforce security policies outside the workplace, and if your employees are using their own devices to log on to your network, this carries extra risk. 

In this era of hybrid working, it’s vital for every business to have a robust security policy and for all employees to adhere to the procedures you put in place. These may include:

  • Rules on passwords and password sharing:
    • Passwords should be strong and not easily guessed. You could use a password generator, or enforce a certain combination of letters, numbers and special characters
    • Multi-factor authentication reduces reliance on passwords and can provide extra layers of protection
    • Individuals should not tell others their password, even if it’s a trusted colleague. It’s especially important not to put these in an email or text message
  • Policies on the use of home devices:
    • Employees should only use company devices to log in to your company network
    • Employees should take reasonable precautions when travelling with company devices, to avoid theft and to prevent outsiders from accessing information on the screen
  • Education about phishing scams. 
    • All staff should receive training about phishing scams and other security breaches that rely on human error. They should be trained to always double check the veracity of any email or text message and never to disclose any private information
  • Software update policies:
    • It’s vital that all software is kept up-to-date, so that the latest security updates can be installed

Unfortunately cyber crime isn’t going away. With ever-changing technologies and techniques, there are always new ways to exploit businesses, individuals and even governments. But as technologies develop, so do our options for preventing cyber attacks. 

Get the right type of cyber insurance to protect your business

Protecting yourself from cyber crime includes planning for the worst-case scenario. Discover how cyber insurance can mitigate the effects of a security breach, and how Hallsdale Commercial can help protect your business from the consequences of cyber crime.

For more information on our cyber insurance products, or to get a tailored solution designed to meet your needs, just contact us at info@hallsdalecommercial.co.uk.